Thursday, February 4, 2016


I'm writing this post because I think being a morning person is really beneficial and maybe it helps some of you.
Ta post pišem ker sem mnenja, da je biti jutranja oseba zelo dobra stvar za človeka in njegovo zdravje, pa mogoče bo komu pomagalo.

I remember being a morning person all my life, but then, I started college.
So, when you're in college, you don't have to worry about your parents knowing you missed school and such. You end up not wanting to go to your classes and you skip most of it and you can really get caught up in it.
I remember not going to 75% of my classes just because I didn't feel like it. And why didn't I feel like it, you ask? Well, because I started sleeping in and my sleeping schedule was really bad. 

With my sleeping schedule being ruined, my anxiety started getting worse and worse.
I remember waking up and laying in bed for hours, because I didn't want to get up. Every now and then, when I actually did go to college, I had an anxiety attack in the middle of a class. It was horrible. That went on for months. 
One day, I had an anxiety attack so bad, I actually had to leave the room.
That was the wake up call I needed. So I made it my NY's resolution (as much as I dislike the idea of it), that I will become a morning person again.
Luckily, I spend most of my time with my boyfriend and he has to get up really early for work, so I just started waking up when he did.
I'm not kidding, it changed my life. I have less anxiety, I don't have problems concentrating and studying, and so much more.

Celo življenje sem bila jutranja oseba, vstajala sem ob 6h zjutraj, itd. Nato sem začela obiskovati faks. In ko si na faksu, nimaš nobene skrbi, veš da te noben ne nadzoruje, da starši ne bodo vedeli, ali si manjkal ali ne, in se malo zapustiš. Nehaš hoditi na predavanja, najprej na enega, potem na drugega, nato vidiš, da je minil en teden in sploh nisi bila na faksu.. Spomnim se da nisem obiskovala 75% predavanj samo zato ker ''se mi pač ni ljubilo''. Ljubilo se mi ni pa zato, ker sem začela pozno vstajati. Ko sem vstala, sem bila čisto brez energije, brez kakršnekoli volje do produktivnosti. 

S tem, ko sem si uničila bioritem, sem si postopoma začela uničevati psihično zdravje. Moja anksioznost je bila čedalje hujša. Na enem predavanju sem dobila tako hud paničen napad, da sem morala iti iz predavalnice. Takrat sem dojela, da tako ne gre več. 
Moja novoletna zaobljuba (čeprav sovražim novoletne zaobljube) je bila, da se začnem zbujati bolj zgodaj. Na srečo večino časa spim pri fantu, ki se zbuja zelo zgodaj in sem enostavno začela vstajati z njim. Ne lažem, ko rečem, da se je moje psihično stanje izboljšalo. Nimam več problemov z učenjem, lažje se skoncentriram in še in še.

Benefits of being a morning person :
Dobre lastnosti tega, da si jutranji človek:

  • you feel like your day isn't wasted - ne počutiš se, kot da ti je dan šel v nič
  • you are overall happier - srečnejša si
  • you get more things done - več stvari opraviš
  • your body will thank you, trust me - telo se ti bo zahvalilo, verjemi
  • your anxiety/depression won't control you anymore - tvoja anksioznost/depresija te ne bo mogla več kontrolirati

How to become a morning person:

  • If your goal is waking up at 6 AM, and you sleep till 11 AM, you shouldn't just start waking up at 6 AM in the start, try a week with waking up at 9 AM, then next week at 8 AM and eventually you will train your body to wake up earlier. Waking up at 6AM instead of 11 AM right away would be a shock to your body, because it would be such a sudden change. You'd just end up being exhausted.

    Če se želiš zbujati ob 6, zdaj pa se zbujaš ob 11, se ne začni zbujati takoj ob 6, ampak delaj to postopoma. Prvi teden se zbudi ob 9, naslednji ob 8, in postopoma se bo telo privadilo in ne bo v takem šoku, kot bi bilo če bi kar naenkrat spalo toliko manj.

  • When the alarm rings, just wake up. Stop hitting snooze over and over again. No matter how exhausted you may think you are. Trust me, once you get up, you will wake up after a few minutes. It's all about your mindset. I can't stress this enough. There have been too many times I kept hitting the snooze button and ended up falling asleep until noon. I woke up exhausted and I couldn't be productive at all. The key is, just GET UP.

    Ko budilka zazvoni, samo vstani. Ne klikaj na dremež za dremežem ne glede na to kako izčrpana misliš, da si. Zaupaj mi, enkrat, ko vstaneš, se zbudiš po parih minutah. Vse je v tvoji glavi. Spomnim se kolikokrat sem klikala dremež za dremežem in se kasneje počutila bolj grozno kot prvič ko sem se zbudila. Samo VSTANI!
  •  Put your alarm to the other side of your room. It will force you to get up in order to shut it off. If your alarm is on your phone, do the same with your phone.
    Budilko/telefon daj na drugi konec tvoje sobe. To te bo prisililo, da vstaneš.
  • Get some daylight and/or fresh air. It really helps me getting some daylight, but I don't really have the change to get it, because I get up at 5 AM, so I recommend going on your balcony/garden and if you don't have anything like that, just open your windows. And if you have a dog, get your shoes on and take it on a walk right after you've woken up.

    Spusti svetlobo v sobo. Dvigni rolete. Če zunaj še ni svetlobe, vstani, pojdi na balkon, teraso, karkoli. Ali pa vsaj odpri okno. Če imaš psa, se obuj in pojdi ven. Pomaga.
  • Stay away from your bed. If you live alone, go to some other room, and if you don't, just make your bed. It will keep you from crawling back into it.

    Drži se stran od postelje. Ko vstaneš, jo pospravi. Tako te ne bo vleklo nazaj vanjo.
  • Your alarm should be something soothing. Or just in general not annoying, because it will get you in a bad mood, and you don't want that. And I recommend changing it up every once in a while, so you won't get used to it and bored of it.

    Tvoja budilka naj bo nekaj pomirjajočega, ne nekaj grozno glasnega, da te ne bo spravilo v slabo voljo takoj ko vstaneš. Priporočam, da na vsake toliko zamenjaš zvonenje alarma, da se ne naveličaš.
  • Have a morning routine. If you're someone that loves breakfast, chop your veggies/fruit the night before and it will make it easier to prepare your breakfast in the morning.If you're a coffee lover like me, maybe have your mug and the water already prepared.

    Imej svojo jutranjo rutino. Če rada zajtrkuješ, si nareži sadje/zelenjavo večer pred spanjem, da lahko samo prideš v kuhinjo in si pripraviš. Če imaš rada kavo kot jaz, si nastavi vodo že večer prej.
  • Stretch right when you wake up. And you don't have to ''full on before/after workout'' stretch, it only takes a few seconds to stretch your hands and your back after you've gotten up to turn off your alarm.

    Pretegni se. Ne tako kot po telovadbi, samo pretegni se. 
And that's it! I really suggest trying it and I hope it helped you. It sure helped me, and I hope I've inspired you.

Upam da sem komu pomagala in res priporočam da probaš postati jutranja oseba.


  1. I need to start going to bed earlier because I really do struggle to get up in the morning x

  2. I think this is a great strategy. I really need to get up earlier. I definitely feel more productive when I do.

  3. Very interesting tips. I'm so not a morning person, but I'm trying and lately I managed to move my start of the day to around 8 o-clock. I'll try some of your tips and hopefully I'll be able to become an earlier bird ;)

  4. I needed this post for inspo! I get up at 4:30am everyday for work! great post :)

  5. I feel so productive every time I wake up early in the morning and I've finished half of the things I need to do before noon. It feels like you have the rest of the day to enjoy, doesn't it? These are very good tips!

  6. I'm a morning person too! If I snooze, it makes me feel so sluggish - it's best to just jump straight out of bed :)

    Rosie |

  7. I am not a morning person and I actually feel sick if I wake up too early. I had a few morning flights/buses recently and I was sick on every single one of them when I had to wake up at 4. You have some great tips in this article but I don't know if I really want to become a morning person. I like sleeping too much. :)

  8. So hard to get up in the morning sometimes especially when you're just feeling lazy or just want to lie in bed all day. Will try to follow these tips of yours and see what difference it'll make in my life.

  9. Great tips shared! I totally believe in saying "Early to bed and Early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

  10. Excellent tips, I am a morning person so don't have to worry about waking up late. Stretching as soon as you get up really WAKES one up.
    xx, Kusum |

  11. I used to be a morning person most of my life. Now, I rarely ever wake up before 10am. Being a morning person has lots of great benefits.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nice tips that I needed. I'm not really a morning person but I want really to be one. I guess I need to work hard on that :)

  14. I think I need to train my body to wake up earlier. It's all about productivity. I was an early bird! These tips are brilliant!

  15. Hahaha going to bed early is actually very effective! Having a routine also helps a lot!!

  16. You're right, it is all about the mindset. You just need to force yourself to get up as soon as the alarm rings - I always feel so much better for it!

  17. In the past i was sharing the same struggle with you..luckily i achieved to wake up earlier the last months!it felt so nice to read your post
