Sunday, June 26, 2016



This is going to be a super quick post but I thought I'd share it. 

Tale post bo zelo hiter, vendar sem želela deliti recept za tale preprost smuti.

I drink this smoothie almost every morning and it's starting to replace my morning coffee.
It boosts my metabolism and makes me feel so much better and I don't know what it is, but it really helps with my overall focus and concentration. 

Ta smoothie pijem skoraj vsako jutro. Skoraj zamenjal je mojo šalico kave zjutraj. 
Pospešuje presnovo in izboljšal je moje občutje. Da o izboljšanju koncentracije sploh ne govorim!

I grab a small bottle and I put in these ingredients : 
Vzamem posodico za smoothie (ali pa dam v blender) :

  • 2 big bananas /2 veliki banani 
  • 1 tbsp Nutrisslim hemp protein powder /2 žlici konopljinih proteinov Nutrisslim
  • 4 dates /4 datlji
  • rice milk (to fill the bottle up) / you could just use water /riževo mleko ali voda (okoli 2 dcl)

Today I was using soy milk because, well, I got it for free, but I would recommend any other kind of mylk before soy. 
Danes sem uporabljala sojino mleko, ker sem ga dobila v dar. Še vseeno priporočam kakršnokoli drugo rastlinsko mleko.

I finally bought this hemp protein powder after years of wanting it. If you're from Slovenia or Croatia and can't find any other brands, Nutrisslim superfoods came through for us!Visit them here (SI)
And one more thing that sold me, not gonna lie, is the packaging. It just looks super slim and simple and I love it how it doesn't take up a lot of space in my pantry. 

Končno sem kupila konopljine proteine. Po vseh teh letih opazovanja vrečke na policah v trgovinah. Če si iz Slovenije ali Hrvaške in ne najdeš konopljinih proteinov, je tu za nas Nutrisslim superfoods! Lahko jih obiščeš na spletni strani ali pa facebooku
Kot vedno pa me je prevzelo tudi pakiranje. Embalaža izgleda tako preprosta in tanka, prav veš, da ti ne bo vzela veliko prostora v omari, hehe!

Monday, June 20, 2016


I've decided to dedicate this to the ''Planners gone wild(uncensored)'' group on facebook, these ladies are awesome. They're just as (or maybe more) obssesed with planning as I am. Many of them have etsy shops, and they're worth checking out! I always go to the group to get some planning inspiration, or just to see what good pens are there out for me to try, etc!


So, based on last month's feedback, I'm giving you another simple calendar.
I am really glad so many of you enjoyed the JUNE calendar and I was overwhelmed and just so happy reading all the nice comments. I hope you keep coming back monthly for these calendars. It makes me so happy that an idea that started out in my head because I had too much to do, was actually brought to life and has helped others. Yes, I know we're talking about a calendar, but hey.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Essence XXL nail thickener

This is going to be a short one but I still wanted to post it.
Last week, I was at my bf's house and had no clear nail polish. So I went to DM and bought the first, cheapest polish I could find. Essence usually works for me.

Tale post bo kratek, ampak sem vseeno želela deliti izkušnje.
Prejšnji teden sem spala pri fantu in sem doma pozabila lak za utrjevanje nohtov, brez katerega pa ne morem ker so moji nohti zelo krhki. Seveda sem šla v DM in kupila prvi najcenejši utrjevalec, ki sem ga opazila. Z essencom imam ponavadi dobre izkušnje.

If you didn't know, essence is a cruelty free brand!
Če nisi vedela, so essence cruelty free, kar pomeni, da ne testirajo na živalih!

At first, I had the ''triple care'' polish , then I ran out of it, because it was so good. Thinking they were all going to be this good, I went and bought the XXL nail thickener. I was quite disappointed.
Maybe I just got an old product (which I doubt), but the polish was super super thick. 
That kind of thick, that it can't even spread properly. 

Sprva sem imela Triple Care utrjevalec, vendar mi ga je zmanjkalo, ker sem ga celega porabila, saj je bil tako dober. Misleč, da so vsi Essencovi utrjevalci dobri, sem vzela XXL Nail Thickener. Na žalost sem bila razočarana. Morda sem dobila star produkt (v kar dvomim, saj je ta DM kar dovolj obiskan), ampak lak je bil zelo gost. Tako gost, da se sploh ni dal mazati. 

My nails were a little bit whitened when I put the polish on, but at the end of the day it had chipped off. 
I used it a couple of times(5 times) more, and it was always the same.
Maybe it was just that my product was old, but I would not recommend buying that one. 
That was the first ever nail polish from essence that let me down.

Moji nohti so bili malce obeljeni, zaradi česar sem lak tudi kupila, vendar se je lak do večera že odkrušil z mojih nohtov.
Nekajkrat (petkrat..) sem preizkusila lak, da ne bi obsojala že prvič, vendar je bila vsakič enaka zgodba.
Še vseeno dopuščam možnost, da sem dobila star lak, vendar nakupa ne priporočam.

To je zaenkrat prvi lak od Essence-a, ki me je razočaral. 

I would however recommend the triple care one, that's a given! Worked super well, didn't chip for weeks, and hardened my nails!

Še vseeno priporočam utrjevalec Triple Care! Je zelo obstojen, ni se nič odkrušil in res mi je utrdil nohte! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016




One day, I stumbled upon the essence brow pallete, and I was in desperate need of one. I saw all the different shades and a highlighter, so I just went for it. 
Then I saw this little stick made up of three brushes. I thought ''why not, it would be a good product to throw into my smaller make up bag when I'm sleeping over a friend's house'', and I bought that too.
Little did I know, that for the next month or so, it would be my go-to eye look.

Ko sem se sprehajala po DMu, sem opazila essence paleto za obrvi, in kot nalašč, ravno potrebovala sem jo. Videla sem, da ima različne odtenke in highlighter in sem se odločila, pa kaj, bom pa kupila!
Zraven sem opazila še malo paličico in ugotovila za so to mali čopiči. Rekla sem si ''zakaj pa ne?'' in vzela še to. Izdelek je super, če potrebuješ čopiče za makeup, ko greš spat k prijateljici in nočeš s seboj jemati vseh različnih čopičev. 
Sploh si nisem mislila, da bo moj ''go-to'' izdelek za makeup še cel mesec.

The brow box comes with three brown shades, a highlighter, a brush, tweezers, and a ''manual'' card on how to make your brows, that's why it's super awesome for beginners.

V škatlici za obrvi so tri različne rjave barve, highlighter, čopič, pinceta in ''vodič'' kako si namazati trepalnice, kar se mi zdi super za začetnice. 

I am very pale, which means my brows are also really light, so I naturally was drawn to the lightest shade in the pallete. Sadly, after a few uses, I realised that it had a kind of a weird yellowish/orangey undertone to it. Since I am blonde, I couldn't use the darker shades because they look ridiculous on me. Luckily, I had just found the Kiko brow pencil that replaced this brow product.
But, me being me, I refused to throw this out. I mean, come on, I paid money for it, I'm not gonna just throw it away. I created a smokey eye. I'm sure you see that the pallete has all three shades perfect for a smokey eye. And it also has a highlighter. Win win!
The ''brushes'' that come in the brow box, weren't as good. The brow brush was too thick for me (and I don't have super thin eyebrows). So that's why I was so glad I bought the brush stick.

Sama sem zelo bleda, kar pomeni, da so moje obrvi zelo svetle, kar pomeni, da sem posegla po najsvetlejši rjavi v paletki. Na žalost sem opazila, da ima rumeni/oranžkasti podton in da moje obrvi zgledajo nenaravno oranžkaste. Ker sem blondinka, bi temnejši rjavi barvi na meni izgledali smešno. Na srečo sem dan ali dva pred tem kupila tudi svinčnik za obrvi od Kiko Milano, tako da sem imela zlato rezervo.
Ampak jaz kot jaz, ne bom stran vrgla nečesa, za kar sem plačala. Zakaj bi stran vrgel nekaj, za kar si plačal? Ugotovila sem, da lahko paleto uporabim za oči in sem si naredila smokey eye! Paleta je super, ker ima tri različne odtenke rjave, ki so bile super za smokey eye. Pa še osvetljevalec je zraven, juhu! 

Čopiček, ki je zraven v paleti je bolj kot ne za okras, ker ni ravno dober. Takrat sem bila zelo hvaležna sama sebi, ker sem kupila tisto paličico s čopiči.  

The ''brush stick'' came in handy when creating this look. That's why it's on the list of another one of my combos.
Not gonna lie, the packaging sold me too. It's just so cute.

Paličica je bila zelo priročna, ko sem se odločila za smokey eye iz te palete za obrvi. 
Po pravici povedano, kupila sem za tudi zaradi pakiranja. Če je pa tako prisrčno pakirano, no. 

All in all, I do not regret buying the products, I just wouldn't recommend the brow box as a brow product to all my pale girls out there. 

Konec koncev ne obžalujem nakupa, saj se je kljub vsemu izkazal za dobrega. Samo ne priporočam palete za obrvi puncam, ki so blede tako kot jaz.