Tuesday, February 2, 2016


February 2016 calendar!

Due to many responsibilities, the main one being this thing called finals week (more like month) in college, I've been pretty much just hitting the books. But now that's over and I can start posting more regularly!
I have a lot of things planned out already, so look forward to more posts coming your way!
You can always follow me on my social media.

But here you go, a calendar for the month of FEBRUARY!!

I know I'm a day or two late, but better late than never.

I included a to-do list and some valentine's day clipart. And if you're single, the pretty little owl will be more than happy to be your date! And you don't even need to buy it presents or take it out. A win win situation for everyone!

Hope you enjoy filling it out and I hope you enjoy your V-day! 

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