Tuesday, July 28, 2015



If you still haven't tried it, go for it!
It's an awesome immune boosting drink which helps your body get rid of all the toxins.
The drink is energizing and it is a great way for the non coffee/tea drinkers to wake up in the morning. The non coffee drinkers actually have it better, because coffee is a diuretic and does not really help with rehydration that the body needs after 5-8 hours of sleep.

Če še nisi poskusila te pijače, jo daj!
Pospeši in okrepi tvoj imunski sistem, kar pomaga pri razstrupitvi telesa. Ta pijača ti pomaga pridobiti energijo in je popolen napitek za tiste, ki ne pijejo kave in čaja, da se prebudijo zjutraj. Tisti, ki pijejo to namesto kave, so v bistvu na boljšem, saj je kava diuretik in ne pomaga pri rehidraciji telesa, ki jo telo potrebuje po 5-8 urah spanja.

I feel so much better now that I've tried drinking it on a regular basis, I am not exhausted and I no longer have problems with digestion.
Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and they are also a source of antioxidants and all sorts of good stuff for your body. 
And my favourite of all time : Cayenne pepper. The holy grail in long-term weight loss. It helps you with digestion and regulates blood sugar. 

To sedaj pijem že kar nekaj časa in se počutim veliko boljše kot prej, ko sem pila kavo. Pomaga tudi pri težavah s prebavo, katerih nimam več.
Limone so zelo dober vir vitamina C, kar vsi že vemo, morda pa ne veš, da so vir antioksidantov in vseh oh in sploh dobrih stvari za naša telesa. 

In seveda moja najljubša sestavina, kajenski poper. To je super za dolgoročno izgubo teže. Pomaga pri prebavi in uravnava krvni sladkor. Naredite kdaj ta napitek kakšnim starim staršem s problemi s krvnim sladkorjem.

Those two mixed up together help your body reach it's perfect PH level, which means higher metabolism, a boost in your body's immune system and for my ladies out there, no UTI-s!

Limona in kajenski poper zmešana našim telesom pomagata vzpostaviti pravi PH v telesu, kar pomeni, bolj zdrav metabolizem in okrepljen imunski sistem. In za vse moje punce, ki berete, nobenih vnetih mehurjev!

So it's pretty much just a cup/bottle of warm water, a squeezed lemon (you can add as many as you want), and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. I put slices of lemon in the bottle to make it look somewhat prettier.

Naredi se s toplo vodo, limono in žlico kajenskega popra. Jaz dodam še malo limoninih koškov, da lepše izgleda in da lahko čez dan dodajam vodo.

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