Saturday, November 28, 2015




How to keep your hair blonde? Lee Stafford has the secret

I'm sure there's a lot of you out there who love your blonde hair but it just won't stop getting yellow after a few washes? If you haven't got an angel in your life to tell you that there is a thing called purple shampoo, that fights the yellow in your hair, let me be the one to tell you.
The whole idea of the shampoo being purple is that the purple is the total opposite on the colour wheel to yellow. So in order to fight the yellow/orange hues in your hair, you have to fight them with purple ones.
Some people claim that even a little purple hair colour creme or even purple / blue food colouring in shampoo works, but it did not work for me.
There's tons of purple shampoos out there on the market, and I have tried A LOT of them.
Most recommended was Keune Silver reflect  , but to be honest, I was looking for a cheaper version, because I'm a student on a budget.

Menda nisem edina, ki je blond in ima težave s tem, da ji lasje porumenijo pa parih pranjih? Če v življenju nimaš angela, ki bi ti povedal, da obstaja vijoličen šampon, naj bom jaz ta tvoj angelček.
Vijoličen šampon je narejen, da ubija rumene/oranžne tone v tvojih laseh. V bistvu to izhaja iz tega, ker je vijolična barva ravno nasprotje rumene v barvnem kolesu.
Brala sem tudi ''recepte'' in članke o tem, da v šampon dodaš modro ali vijolično barvo za hrano, vendar to na meni ni delovalo.
Najbolj priporočan Keune Silver Effect vijoličen šampon tudi ni deloval na meni in po resnici povedano, sem iskala cenejšo opcijo, sam sem le študentka z omejeno količino denarja in 13€ za šampon se mi zdi malce preveč.

I have found a shampoo from Lee Stafford , and fell in love immediately after seeing the packaging itself. 
I really like the design. It has a little dog, a funky font, and in the back, there's a quote that says ''Have fun, look wicked, smell BEAutiful'' (Jim Carrey making sure noone will ever forget how to spell that word, am I right?), and his signature. 
You really get the impression that the company actually put time and effort into creating this. 
So the first impression was really good! 

Našla sem šampon od Lee Stafforda, ki je stal 8€ v DMu. Takoj sem se zaljubila v pakiranje, saj ima tako funky pisavo in luškanega kužka. 
Na pakiranju piše ''Have fun, look wicked, smell BEAutiful'', in če ste odraščali takrat kot jaz, se verjetno spomnete Jima Carreyja kako je izgovoril B E A uuutiful, tako da nikoli ne bomo pozabili tega.


The shampoo is more affordable than other purple shampoos, at least on our market, and you really don't need a lot. Especially compared to other purple shampoos out there.
The other puprle shampoos I tried didn't even have the proper foam of a shampoo. This one foamed up really nicely.
After using it, my hair did not feel damaged like it did after using Keune's shampoo. 
The other good thing about it is the smell, it smells really nice and fresh in my opinion.

Šampon je cenejši kot večina delujočih vijoličnih šamponov pri nas.
Tisti šamponi, ki sem jih poskusila, se sploh niso spenili kot navaden šampon.
In superrrrr diši! 

He also doesn't promote animal testing!

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