Monday, August 14, 2017



So, here it is again. September, the going back to school month. The month that makes some people stressed out because of all the responsibilities. 

As a kid and a teen, I actually loved september, I always felt so motivated for a new year in school. I was always so excited because it meant buying new school supplies, DIY-ing some new stuff (notebooks, which I did a blogpost on and also a video click me), 
planning out what my essentials are going to be (click here to see my back to school purse essentials)
and in general just always felt motivated because I was happy to be productive again.

It also means the start of fall, which I have been waiting impatiently since the August 1st. My body is so ready for some chilly september mornings and calm evenings. 

What are you most excited about for september?
Are you in school? I hope I gave you some motivation with my posts, I hope you DIY some notebooks like this. 

No, pa je spet tu. September, mesec, ko je veliko ljudi podvrženih stresu zaradi obveznosti.

Kot otrok in najstnica, sem vedno oboževala september. Vedno sem bila zelo motivirana za novo šolsko leto. Vedno sem komaj čakala tisti prvi september, ker je to pomenilo kupovanje novih šolskih potrebščin, ''delanje'' in okraševanje svojih stvari 
(video in objavo za DIY zvezek lahko vidiš, če klikneš na besedici) ter planiranje svojih pripomočkov, ki jih bom vedno imela s seboj v nahrbtniku (objava tukaj). Nasploh pa sem bila zadovoljna in vesela, da bom končno spet produktivna. Produktivnost seveda ne bi smela biti omejena le na določene mesece, vendar, ko hodiš v šolo, tako pač je.

Seveda september pomeni tudi začetek jeseni, na njo pa nestrpno čakam že od prvega avgusta. Pripravljena sem na tista hladna septembrska jutra in umirjene večere.

Česa se pa ti najbolj veseliš v septembru?
Hodiš v šolo? Upam, da sem ti dala kaj motivacije s svojimi objavami in upam, da narediš kakšen DIY zvezek


  1. September is the start of summer here, although I have to admit, it is already warm and lovely! Your calendar is great, simple and easy to fill in all the fun things planned for the month.

    1. Wow!
      Well, the start of summer is the best time of the summer is you ask me :)
      Thank you

  2. Actually this calendar will come in so useful because I have so much on that I might forget everything I will be doing!

    1. Hehe, hope it is useful, I know you're always so busy :)

  3. September is a beautiful month and here it is neither too hot nor cold and it is apt. I get excited of the school happenings, it binds you into a schedule and yes as you say, it is the "productive" time again.

    1. So glad to hear I'm not the only one.. I mean, I have no problem with being unproductive but sometimes you just need a lil' push, ya' know :P

  4. Haha, I can't believe it will be already September next month. Time definitely flies so fast and I can't wait what will be waiting for me. Thanks for the printable!

    1. I can't wait too :)
      Yeah, the time goes by SO fast, I almost wrote it in this post but I felt like I was repeating myself :(
      You're welcome :)

  5. September is probably my favorite month, it has the perfect combination of cool and warm weather. Thanks for sharing the calendar.

    1. You're right about the warm and cool weather :) I just love it. You're welcome :) Thank you for stopping by :)

  6. September is my favourite month since I was a child as it is my birthday month. Thanks for sharing this calendar, it's definitely going to be helpful to plan out things. :)

    1. That's so cute, happy birthday in advance :)
      Happy planning :)

  7. This DIY calendar on notebook reminds me my school days. Nowadays due to mobile and laptop technology not many people use this but for me this kind of calendar are very useful to plan things more creatively.

    1. You are right, people use calendars on mobile phones, but that just doesn't do it for me. I have to get creative and fill out stuff by hand

  8. Your calendar looks great!! If I say as an Indian, September is considered to be the starting month of festive season!! Lots of festivals flourish in September. That's why I like it a lot. Also, it reminds me of my school and college days because of the same reason (holidays and functions).

    1. Wow, thanks for sharing that, I didn't know that. Well, I hope you go to some festivals and blog about them.

  9. I always print calendars for each month and I havent't printed my September one yet. I guess this is an excuse to do so :P

    1. That's nice to hear, I hope you make a lot out of it :)

  10. Awesome calendar! September is a month when you experience sandstorm and it is not cool to find your balcony covered with sand. But the brighter side is that it is a start of winters!

    1. Ahhh, I wish you as little sandstorms as possible this september. I'm glad you can look on the bright side, hehe

  11. Wow, such a cool calendar, I'm so excited for September it starts with a Christmas countdown here.

    1. Thank you! Omg yes, you get me :) I'm also starting a christmas countdown. Well, first, my birthday, then halloween, then I'm decorating for christmas :D

  12. September is beginning of fall and school starts for the kids. I really need to get my calendar together so thanks for the reminder and share.

    1. I hope you can manage everything and I wish your kids a great start of the school year

  13. Just what I needed, so thank you very much. Cant believe September is not far away!

  14. Cheers to the fall! It's my favorite time of year. My husband and I live in a university town and this week all of the students are coming back. Pretty soon we'll be putting on sweatshirts and going to football games. Can't wait!

    1. I'll drink to that!
      Wow, what's it like living in a university town? I imagine it being loud

  15. September is always super busy for me. I love having a calendar to add all my goals, plans and commitments.

    1. That's why I'm here for, to help you plan out your responsibilities :)

  16. I just love September when it gets warmer.. freebie calendar is a great IDea, always have to check phone for dates

    1. I can't imagine being reliant on my phone calendar. I keep a planner and this free printable.

  17. Love this! Super practical but pretty too. <3

  18. This is pretty cool. Chance to make a personalized and cool calendar on your own. It's awesome!

    1. I feel like I used to add a lot of clipart, but I decided to do more minimalistic ones as I think people like that more. Thank you :)

  19. In our island September is starting the raining season . But September still a busy season for tourist bussines here . So October will be relax for me and September is time to earn more for the next relaxing time .

    By the way I love your idea to make your own calendar

    1. Well, I hope you earn a lot and I hope that you don't get a lot of rain. :)
