Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
What I ate in a day
(ways to prepare mama rice noodles)
This week, I got the best BCA products and decided to share how I used the products. I had a BCA day.
First, I prepared a smoothie bowl and I had mama noodles for lunch and dinner.
First, I prepared a smoothie bowl and I had mama noodles for lunch and dinner.
These past few weeks, I haven't really been eating a lot, which is surprising for me, because I usually eat a lot more. If you like to eat more, I'd suggest eating a snack inbetween these meals.
I think the Mama rice noodles are perfect for my appetite these days because they fill me up just right. (If you want to learn more about them, click HERE)
They also have a Thailand trust mark. You can read more about it here : )
Ta teden sem dobila najboljše BCA izdelke in se odločila, da bom delila, kako sem jih uporabila. Imela sem ''BCA dan'' :)
Najprej sem si pripravila majhen smoothie bowl, za kosilo in večerjo sem jedla pa mama rezance.
Najprej sem si pripravila majhen smoothie bowl, za kosilo in večerjo sem jedla pa mama rezance.
Zadnje par tednov ne jem prav veliko, kar je pravo presenečenje, saj ponavadi pojem vse, kar mi pride pod roke. Če rada poješ malce več, priporočam, da med obroki še kaj poješ.
Teli mama rezanci so ravno pravšnji za moje prehranjevalne navade zadnje tedne. Obožujem riževe rezance in če jih obožuješ tudi ti, klikni TULE. Vsi rezanci se ponašajo z znakom kakovosti ''Thailand trust mark''.
Now on to the recipes.
No, sedaj pa k receptom.
- 2 little bananas / Dve mali banani
- KOH COCONUT coconut milk / KOH COCONUT kokosovo mleko
- KOH COCONUT coconut chips/ KOH COCONUT kokov čips
- Chia seeds / Chia semena
Pretty simple, I just blended bananas, coconut chips and chia seeds with just a little bit of coconut milk. I added some crushed up coconut chips and chia seeds to the top, and that was it.
I've had a lot of coconut chips in my life, but these ones are the best, take my word. They aren't as thin as most, and they are super crunchy, which I love.
Tale recept je zelo preprost.
V blender sem vrgla dve mali banani s kokosovim čipsom in chia semeni in čisto malo kokosovega mleka.
Na smoothie bowl sem z roko ''zmlela'' kokosov čips in posula chia semena.
Probala sem že veliko kokosovega čipsa, ampak tale je najboljši! Malce debelejši je kot drugi, ampak tako lepo hrustlja, kar pa obožujem. Definitvno priporočam.
- Eggplant / Jajčevec
- Mama rice noodles (1 portion, about 45 grams) / Mama riževi rezanci (1 porcija, 45 gramov)
- Carrot / Korenček
- 1/3 yellow bell pepper / 1/3 bele paprike
- Tofu
- Spices / Začimbe
Najprej, po dolgem prereži jajčevec, da boš lahko vanj dala rezance. Daj ga v pečico za 180°C in peci med pripravo jedi.
Chop up the carrot, bell pepper and tofu and put it on medium heat onto a pan with a bit of coconut butter. I spiced it up with basil and pepper.
Once that is golden brown, put it away and boil water for the Mama noodles.
Na malo razreži korenje, papriko in tofu in na srednjem ognju in malce kokosovega masla peci. Jaz sem svoje začinila z baziliko in malo popra.
Ko porumeni, odstavi in pripravi vodo za riževe rezance.
When the water boils, put in 1 portion of the noodles and let it sit for no more than 3 minutes. When the 3 minute mark is over, go ahead and rinse thoroughly with cold water.
Then just mix everything together.
Ko voda zavre, odstavi posodo in raj vanjo riževe rezance za ne več kot tri minute. Po treh minutah jih precedi in dobro speri z mokro vodo.
Nato zmešaj rezance in zelenjavo.
Take the eggplant out of the oven and put the noodles and veggies into it. Put it back into the oven for 1 more minute.
Iz pečice vzemi jajčevec, vanj daj mama rezance z zelenjavo, nato pa vrni v pečico za dodatno eno minuto.
That's it! Bon appetit!
To je to! Dober tek!
Don't worry about the leftovers, we'll make them for dinner.
Ne skrbi glede ostankov, porabili jih bova za večerjo.
If you only cooked for yourself, you should have enough noodles and veggies left from lunch.
Mix it all in a pan on medium heat and just add some soy sauce.
That's perfect dinner when you're just winding down and don't want to cook.
Če si kuhala samo zase, bi ti moralo ostati dovolj rezancev od kosila.
Vse skupaj zmešaj v ponvi in dodaj malo sojine omake.
To je super večerja za večer, ko se sproščaš in se ti niti približno ne da kuhati.
Monday, August 14, 2017
So, here it is again. September, the going back to school month. The month that makes some people stressed out because of all the responsibilities.
As a kid and a teen, I actually loved september, I always felt so motivated for a new year in school. I was always so excited because it meant buying new school supplies, DIY-ing some new stuff (notebooks, which I did a blogpost on and also a video : click me),
planning out what my essentials are going to be (click here to see my back to school purse essentials)
and in general just always felt motivated because I was happy to be productive again.
It also means the start of fall, which I have been waiting impatiently since the August 1st. My body is so ready for some chilly september mornings and calm evenings.
What are you most excited about for september?
Are you in school? I hope I gave you some motivation with my posts, I hope you DIY some notebooks like this.
Kot otrok in najstnica, sem vedno oboževala september. Vedno
sem bila zelo motivirana za novo šolsko leto. Vedno sem komaj čakala tisti prvi
september, ker je to pomenilo kupovanje novih šolskih potrebščin, ''delanje''
in okraševanje svojih stvari
(video in objavo za DIY zvezek lahko vidiš, če
klikneš na besedici) ter planiranje svojih pripomočkov, ki jih bom vedno imela
s seboj v nahrbtniku (objava tukaj). Nasploh pa sem bila zadovoljna in vesela,
da bom končno spet produktivna. Produktivnost seveda ne bi smela biti omejena
le na določene mesece, vendar, ko hodiš v šolo, tako pač je.
Seveda september pomeni tudi začetek jeseni, na njo pa
nestrpno čakam že od prvega avgusta. Pripravljena sem na tista hladna
septembrska jutra in umirjene večere.
Česa se pa ti najbolj veseliš v septembru?
Hodiš v šolo? Upam, da sem ti dala kaj motivacije s svojimi objavami in upam, da narediš kakšen DIY zvezek
Hodiš v šolo? Upam, da sem ti dala kaj motivacije s svojimi objavami in upam, da narediš kakšen DIY zvezek
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Yes, they are a thing! I made one last week and I was so happy with it I decided I had to share this.
I bought ''Tofu mi je všeč'' spinach tofu burger in mercator.
To be completely honest, I was kind of scared to try it out because I'm not really a fan of ''fake meat'' but I'm glad I did.
To be completely honest, I was kind of scared to try it out because I'm not really a fan of ''fake meat'' but I'm glad I did.
Ja, veganski burgerji. Prav ste prebrali. Prejšnji teden sem si pripravila svoj prvi veganski burger in s prvim grižljajem sem se odločila, da moram deliti svojo izkušnjo.
Kupila sem ''tofu mi je všeč'' špinačni tofu burger v merkatorju. Če sem popolnoma iskrena, sem bila kar malce prestrašena in skeptična, saj mi ''umetno meso'' ni ravno po godu. Vesela sem, da sem burgerčke še vseeno kupila.
Kupila sem ''tofu mi je všeč'' špinačni tofu burger v merkatorju. Če sem popolnoma iskrena, sem bila kar malce prestrašena in skeptična, saj mi ''umetno meso'' ni ravno po godu. Vesela sem, da sem burgerčke še vseeno kupila.
The packaging is super cute, which is of course a major pro for me.
When you open it up, you see two patties. I just made one, I'm eating the second one today actually.
I put a little bit of coconut oil on the pan and waited until it heated up before I put the patty on,
The inctructions on the back say you have to keep it on the pan until it turns golden brown and I did, but the patty was still gooey on the inside, which bothered me, so I cut the patty in two halves and cooked it until the green side got crispy.
The inctructions on the back say you have to keep it on the pan until it turns golden brown and I did, but the patty was still gooey on the inside, which bothered me, so I cut the patty in two halves and cooked it until the green side got crispy.
Embalaža je luškana, kar je vedno plus v moji knjižici.
Notri sta dve ''pleskavici'', od teh dveh sem vzela samo eno,
drugo pa bom pojedla ravno po tem, ko napišem tale post.
Na ponev sem dala malo kokosovega olja in pleskavico dala nanjo po tem,
ko počakala da se le-ta segreje.
Na škatlici zadaj piše, da naj se burger peče dokler postane zlato rumen, ampak tudi takrat je notranjost burgerja še vedno zelene barve, kot da bi bila neskuhana, mokra. Ker imam rada zapečeno, sem pleskavico prerezala na polovico po dolžini in popekla še notranji del, dokler se ni zapeklo.
While the patty was in the pan, I prepared my burger bun, vegan mayo and a lettuce leaf.
When the patty was done, I put the patty on the bun, drizzled some veganaise and put the leaf on top.
This was hands down the best burger I've ever had. I can't really describe the taste, it just tastes healthy.
This was hands down the best burger I've ever had. I can't really describe the taste, it just tastes healthy.
I'd just like to thank Slovenian Vegan for letting the world know about Omegol veganaise because it's the best vegan mayo out there and I can barely taste the difference from the ''real one''.
Med pečenjem pleskavice sem si pripravila bombeto s sezamom, omegol vegansko majonezo in list solate.
Ko se je pleskavica spekla, sem jo dala na bombeto, dodala malce majoneze in pokrila z listom solate. To je bil najboljši hamburger kar sem ga kdaj jedla. Okusa se sploh ne da opisati. Vse kar lahko rečem je, da je zdravega okusa.
Hvala lepa Slovenian Vegan , da me je predstavila omegol veganski majonezi. Tako realen okus, prva majoneza, katere ne ločim od ''ta prave''.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
the month before September, which means we're one month closer to october. I can't believe the time is flying by so fast.. I feel like new year's was just yesterday and now it's already August.. So much has happened in my life already, so many changes, so many friendships, so much learned.. It's been good so far, despite some setbacks. I hope you're savouring in the last month before going to school (if you are in school, ofc)..
Anyways, I couldn't be happier summer's coming to an end. :)
mesec pred septembrom, kar pomeni, da smo en mesec bližje oktobru. Ne morem verjeti kako čas beži, kljub temu kakšen kliše je to, je res. Zdi se mi, kot smo včeraj silvestrovali, pa smo že kar avgusta.. Toliko stvari se je zgodilo v mojem življenju, veliko sprememb, prijateljstev, toliko sem se že naučila.. Kljub spodrsljajem na poti, je bilo leto do sedaj karseda dobro do mene :)
Upam, da uživaš še zadnje izdihljaje poletnih mesecev, preden greš nazaj v šolo (če seveda greš..)
Drugače pa, komaj čakam konec poletja :)
Monday, July 24, 2017
She was a mysterious child...
She was a creature of darkness.. It had this weird uncertainty and mystery about itself, which was weird, because usually uncertainty scared her.. But something about the stilness just relaxed her, it was weirdly reassuring..
There was nothing better than driving late at night, not knowing where she was headed, just enjoying the serenity and peacefulness. Maybe the only thing better than that was waking up early and enjoying the quiet that was interrupted only by the sound of birds chriping. She could sit on her porch drinking coffee and enjoying the tranquility for hours. Times like those calmed her down, she enjoyed being alone and those were the times she could shut down the voices in her head..
Maybe it was because of her memories from her childhood, because she felt the happiest and most at peace when her dad walked her to school at early morning, or when her parents walked her to her grandparent's house early morning before they went to work.. Or maybe it was the memories of her going on walks with her family in dark summer evenings..
She was a mysterious one..
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Anxiety is awful. It creeps up on you in the weirdest ways and always unexpectedly.
We are constanly bombarded with information from our little and/or big screens..
I find it really helps if I go outside. Just go anywhere. Just walk, breathe in the fresh air, find beauty in every little thing and be present.
Just be aware of how special our mother Earth is, how you can breathe, you are given eyes to enjoy the beauty of it and the legs to walk on it.
Be present and grateful.
Tesnobnost je grozna stvar. Prikrade se v čudnih oblikah in vedno nepričakovano.
Stalno smo bombardirani z informacijami iz naših malih in/ali velikih erkanov.
Opazila sem, da zelo pomaga, če grem vem. Samo pojdi, kamorkoli. Hodi, dihaj svež zrak in najdi lepoto v vsaki, pa še tako majhni stvari in samo bodi prisoten v trenutku.
Zavedaj se, kako lepa je naša mati naravi, kako lahko dihaš... Dane so ti oči, da gledaš in uživaš v njeni lepoti in dane so ti noge, da hodiš po njej.
Bodi prisoten v trenutku in hvaležen.

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Sunday, February 5, 2017
As you know (or you may not), I got a job a couple of months ago. Woah, time is flying by so fast.
My job is the reason for my absence on social media and I'm trying to figure out how to balance everything. Enough about that, you're here for the smoothie recipe.
Kot že veš (ali pa tudi ne), sem par mesecev nazaj začela z novo službo. Ufff, čas kar leti.
Moja služba je med drugim tudi razlog za mojo odsotnost na družbenih omrežjih.. Trudim se, da bi ''pogruntala'' kako uskladiti vse skupaj. Ampak dovolj o temu, prišli ste po recept za smoothie!
I did bring a smoothie with me every morning, but I got pretty tired of drinking the same smoothie every day. If you didn't see the recipe for it - check it out here.
Opazila sem, da sem v službi zelo hitro ratala zelo lačna, ker nisem zajtrkovala. Kdo pa ima čas za zajtrk, če je pa treba vstati zgodaj in v službo.
Prinašala sem si sicer moj morning smoothie (glej tu), vendar sem se naveličala vsak dan piti eno in isto stvar.
I just got a nutribullet, and I also thought to myself ''huh, I might as well buy coconut water'' while I was in the grocery store. I decided I'm going to start making my green smoothie again.
Bila sem v merkatorju, kjer sem kupila Nutribullet. Medtem ko sem se sprehajala po trgovini, sem opazila kokosovo vodo, in sem si rekla: ,,Eh, zakaj pa ne'', in sem kupila tudi to, da bom začela ponovno delati svoj zelen smoothie.
You need :
- Bananas (1 or 2)
- Kiwi (1)
- Frozen mango (handful) - Zmrznjen mango (LIDL)
- Spinach (handful)
˘OPTIONAL˘ - Chia seeds (1/2 tbsp) - HOFER
- Maca powder (1/2 tbsp) - MEDEX
As we all know, spinach is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and a great source of iron. It's a really good food to eat (in this case, drink) on the job, because it helps with mental clarity and overall well being.
Chia is packed with omega-3's, and because I got tired of chia pudding, I'd rather put it in a smoothie than throw it out.
Maca is really good for your skin, libido, and your mental health, supposedly. If you have a hormonal imbalance, maca is known to help with that too.
Kot že vsi vemo je špinača polna antioksidantov, vitaminov in je super vir železa (pomaga z utrujenostjo). Je super hrana za jesti (v našem primeru: piti) med delom, ker pomaga z ''jasnotjo'' misli in splošnim dobrim počutjem.
Chia semena imajo visoko vsebnost omega 3 maščob. Ker sem se prenajedla chia pudinga, sem se odločila, da jih rajše porabim v smoothieju, kot pa vržem stran.
Maca je super za kožo, libido in psihično dobro počutje. Če imaš neravnovesje hormonov, je maca tudi za to zelo dobra!
Chia semena imajo visoko vsebnost omega 3 maščob. Ker sem se prenajedla chia pudinga, sem se odločila, da jih rajše porabim v smoothieju, kot pa vržem stran.
Maca je super za kožo, libido in psihično dobro počutje. Če imaš neravnovesje hormonov, je maca tudi za to zelo dobra!
So this smoothie is basically a big nutritious bomb and is a great quick breakfast you can drink at your workplace, so you don't starve till lunch.
To je super način da vase spraviš superfood. (maca, chia)
Tale smoothie je v bistvu ena velika hranilna zdrava bomba in je super hiter zajtrk, ki ga lahko piješ med delom, tako da ne rabiš stradati do malice.
If you try it out, tag me in pictures, I would love to see!
Če probaš ta smoothie, slikaj in me označi na fotografiji, zelo rada bi videla!
To je super način da vase spraviš superfood. (maca, chia)
Tale smoothie je v bistvu ena velika hranilna zdrava bomba in je super hiter zajtrk, ki ga lahko piješ med delom, tako da ne rabiš stradati do malice.
If you try it out, tag me in pictures, I would love to see!
Če probaš ta smoothie, slikaj in me označi na fotografiji, zelo rada bi videla!
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
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