Sunday, May 22, 2016


Everyday make up for your eyes
L'oreal & Kiko Milano

I am a morning person and I mostly wake up pretty early, but unlike many girls/women, not to spend that time on make up. Well, don't get me wrong, I like make up and all that jazz but I am a person who hates to be late (read: I'm early to everything). I spend my mornings drinking coffee, going through my social media, planning, etc., and I usually get so caught up in those things, I forget to actually get ready to go outside into the world and live my life. I think we all have those days, especially when you're a student, and as a girl you need a quick and easy fix before you run out to those classes or to that exam after only 3 hours of sleep. That's why my holy grails for my eyes are Kiko and L'Oréal. They make me look awake and noone can even tell I spent less than 5 mins on my face that day. 

Sem jutranja oseba in se večinoma zbujam zgodaj, vendar ne za to, da bi imela dovolj časa za makeup, kot to delajo druge punce. Da ne boš vzela tega narobe, rada imam makeup in vse skupaj ampak sem oseba, ki sovraži zamujanje (beri: vedno pridem prezgodaj). Jutra preživim tako, da pijem kavo, brskam po socialnih omrežjih, planiram, itd. .. In ponavadi se tako zamotim s tem, da skoraj pozabim, da se moram obleči in namazati in iti ven iz stanovanja. Zdi se mi, da imamo vsi tiste dni, še posebej študentje. Kot punca pa potrebuješ nek produkt, s katerim ne potrebuješ veliko dela, da ne izgledaš kot zombi, ko prideš na predavanje ali pa na tisti izpit, zaradi katerega si spala komaj tri ure.  V takih primerih jaz prisegam na svoj kombo. To sta maskari L'Oreala in svinčnik za obrvi Kiko Cosmetics. Za nanašanje makeupa potrebujem 5 minut, vendar tega noben ne opazi.

L'oreal Miss Manga (the original one and ''Punky'', both colour black)
L'oreal Miss Manga (originalna roza in ''Punky'', obe v črni barvi)

I got them on a ''buy-one-get-one-free'' deal, but if you were only to get one, I'd suggest the punky. At first, I liked the pink one better, because the ''punky'' was too wet, but now a couple of months have passed, and the pink one is all dried up, while punky isn't. These mascaras really last, I did not expect much, to be honest. 

Kupila sem ju v DM-u, ko so jih na blagajni prodajali (kupiš eno, dobiš eno zastonj). Če potrebuješ le eno maskaro, priporočam ''Punky''. Najprej mi je bila bolj všeč originalna, ker je bila ''Punky'' preveč mokra, vendar po parih mesecih je originalna čisto suha, medtem ko je druga še vedno super. Po pravici povedano sem imela nizka pričakovanja. Bila sem prijetno presenečena!

The only downside is, if you have both of them on (I used to put, pink-punky), your lashes feel quite heavy. And they tend to chip, but not a lot, so I don't think that's an extra-ordinary thing. I really love these mascaras, Compared to what I usually buy, they were an investment, but a good one. 

I've had people asking me if my lashes were fake, because they were so well separated and long.

Edina slaba stvar je to, da če imaš obe maskari na trepalnicah (uporabljala sem maskaro tako, da sem nanesla najprej roza, nato pa zeleno), imaš občutek, da imaš težke trepalnice. Tudi malce odpadajo tiste majhne črne pikice, vendar ne toliko kot pri ostalih maskarah, tako da mi to ne predstavlja velikega problema. V primerjavi z maskarami, ki jih ponavadi kupujem, sta bili teli dve prava mala investicija, vendar dobra.
Veliko ljudi me je spraševalo, če imam na sebi umetne trepalnice.

Kiko Milano Brow Pencil (colour 01)
Kiko Milano svinčnik za oči (barva 01)

I've just noticed, I get all of my holy grails on sales. Funny thing. There's not much to say about this product. So far, I haven't noticed a downside to it. It's great, because it doesn't have that yellow undertone that all of my other eyebrow products have. You really don't need a lot and it gives you a really natural look. I love it.

Šele zdaj, ko pišem tale post, opažam, da vse najljubše izdelke kupim na razprodajah. Zanimivo, ane? O tem izdelku nimam kaj preveč za povedati, kot pa to, da nisem opazila nobene slabe lastnosti. 
Super je, saj nima tistega rumenega podtona kot ga ima veliko izdelkov za obrvi. Ne potrebuješ veliko in trepalnice res zgledajo naravno. Obožujem ta svinčnik!


  1. I might try the Kiko brow pencil because I had semi-permanent eyebrows done and it is fading now!

    1. I definetly recommend :) Just last week I put make up for my bf's mother(she gets her brows coloured in), and the colour was fading, so I filled them in with this pencil, and it worked wonders. Looked super natural too!

  2. I have never used any of Kiki products before, I will have to give them a try. x

    1. I would definetly recommend some Kiko brow products or a nail polish. Wouldn't recommend the eye shadows though, they aren't as pigmented

  3. Those seem like very good choices, I have to give it a try. Specially because I am exactly like that! I wake up early, but early is never early enough. I enjoy taking my time drinking my coffee, having my cereal, checking my emails, then when I look at the time, it's time to leave the house already. Thanks for the tips.

    1. Haha, I'm glad you could relate! I am the exact same :)
      I hope the products work for you, if you give any of them a try :)

  4. I think it's a very good choice! Thanks for sharing! I need to consider!

  5. Don't know so much about make up but this is cool.

  6. Nice choice. Women need more suggestions and advice on good quality make-up products, you made great review!

  7. I really love Loreal mascaras. But I always use waterproof one as it won't make my lashes heavy!

  8. ive yett to try the miss manga but i cant stand to have heavy eyes...
