Friday, December 30, 2016



My new year's gift to you is this simple minimalistic calendar. 
I hope you had a great 2016 and I believe 2017 is going to be amazing!
I could go on and on with cheesy new year's resolutions, but my only one is health and happiness. 
Hope you enjoy the calendar :)

Moje novoletno darilo tebi je tale preprost minimalističen koledar za januar. 
Upam, da si imela super leto 2016 in verjamem, da bo 2017 super leto!
Lahko bi govorila o tistih tipičnih novoletnih zaobljubah, vendar moja edina želja sta zdravje in sreča. 
Upam, da ti bo všeč koledar :)

Sunday, December 25, 2016



I can't believe it's over. Every year I feel so sad about christmas being over.. I'm gonna have to wait a whole year to celebrate it again..
I feel like this year I've been really blessed with really genuinely good people around me. <3
I just wanted to say, christmas is not about presents. I'm making this post because I want to share the love and cheer I feel this time of the year. 
I don't think of christmas presents just as random things you buy because you have to. I love giving gifts because I care about people, I know what they want, what they like or what they need.
I love giving gifts because I love the joy people get when they recieve something they need, or when they recieve something that has sentimental value. 

Ne morem verjeti, da je božič mimo. Vsako leto sem žalostna, kadar se konča. Vsakič znova moram čakati še eno leto, da ga bom lahko praznovala..
Zdi se mi, da sem bila letos res blagoslovljena z ljudmi, ki me obkrožajo. Ljudmi dobrega srca. <3
Hočem samo povedati, da božič ni pomemben zaradi daril. To blog objavo pišem ker želim deliti vso ljubezen in vesele občutke, ki jih občutim jaz vsako leto znova na veseli december.
Božična darila zame niso neke nepomembne drobnarije, ki jih kupiš, samo zato ker ''moraš ker je božič''. Obožujem, kadar lahko obdarim prijatelje in družino, ker jim s svojimi darili pokažem, da se brigam za njih. Vem, česa si želijo, kaj imajo radi in kaj potrebujejo. Obdarujem rada samo zaradi tistih iskric v očeh, ki jih zagledaš pri človeku, ko odvije papir s tiste stvari, ki si jo je tako želel, ki jo je tako potreboval in s stvari, ki ima v ozadju pomen. 

Now I'm going to share with you what I got for christmas because I am a nosey person that likes to see what other people got and I'm sure there's some of you ''Mr. Noseys'' out there reading this.

Sedaj pa bom z vami delila, kaj sem dobila jaz, ker sem sama zelo firbčna oseba, ki rada vidi, kaj so dobili drugi in ker sem prepričana da je med vami bralci tudi kak ''firbec''. 

A gigantic candle (sorry for the bad lighting) - Ilkos candles
Ogromna sveča - Ilkos candles (interspar)

A ''clothed'' for water bottle 
''Oblečen'' termofor 

Vegan chocolate bars - Paul's finest
Veganske čokoladice - Paul's finest

Lindt dark chocolate
Lindtova temna čokolada

Mystic argan shower gel - Afrodita cosmetics
Gel za tuširanje od Afrodite

Coconut oil 
Kokosovo olje - Müller

A candle and a lighter 
Svečka, ki noro diši, in vžigalnik

Rice milk - The bridge (I love this brand, read the ''label'' on the second picture)
Riževo mleko - The bridge (obožujem to znamko, preberi kaj piše na desni sliki)

A large stocking
Ogromna božična nogavica (kamor je fant zatlačil riževo mleko)

Burgundy infinity scarf
Temno rdeč infinity šal

Fuzzy warm socks
Tople mehke nogavičke

A really long black tube scarf
Dolg cevast šal iz materiala za tople mehke nogavičke. 

Lindt's dark chocolate santa
Lindtov božiček iz temne čokolade

Coconut chai tea
Čaj ''kokos chai'' okusa iz Müllerja

Profissimo DM candles
Dekorirane svečke - Proffisimo DM

Essence - Nail polish, Trend it up - Compact powder, Essence - Lip gloss
Essence gloss za ustnice in lak, Trend it up puder v kamnu - DM

This is a joke between me and my boyfriend : Every year I ask for a pug, so he got me this. A keychain! I don't actually own a pug so this is the ''gag gift'' :)
To je šala med mano in mojim fantom : Za vsak praznik prosim za mopsa. Letos mi je kupil to. Obesek za ključe! Seveda nimam mopsa, tako da je to tisto ''eno ta smešno darilo''

I'm really thankful for all the gifts I got. They are all special to me because it's things I will actually use. I'm really thankful for all the vegan stuff I got. 
And I always need fuzzy socks, I'm obsessed with scarves and I burn candles all the time. 
I love all the things I got. 

Resnično sem hvaležna za vsa darila, ki sem jih dobila. Vsa darila mi veliko pomenijo, ker so stvari, ki jih dejansko uporabljam. Hvaležna sem za vsa veganska darila. 
In seveda vedno potrebujem tople nogavice, s šali sem obsedena in svečke kurim kot nora. 
Obožujem vse stvari, ki sem jih dobila. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016



 pt. 2

Because I can't help myself in december and because I can't stop shopping for presents I've put together another post where I give you even more ideas for presents. 
I hope it's helpful for some of you.

Ker decembra meni pač ni pomoči in si ne morem pomagati, da ne bi kupila daril za prijatelje, sem se odločila, da bom napisala še en post, kjer ti dam še par idej za božična darila. 
Upam, da komu pomaga. 

DOVES FARM - Vegan chocolate chip cookies

BIOTOP - Christmas tea
CHA ČAJNICA - Cinnamon sugar

DEPEND - Nail strenghtener

EBELIN - Pocket hair brush
BALEA -  Bath bomb 

TREND IT UP - Holographic nail polish
SHE STYLEZONE - Purple glitter nail polish

VANDINI - Gift set (shower gel + body lotion)
VANDINI - Lip balm

BOURJOIS - Nude eyeshadow
CATRICE - Blush nail polish (Limited edition - Victorian poetry)

Sunday, December 11, 2016


It's the most wonderful time of the year..

for your christmas obsessed friends

It's that time of the year. The most cheerful of all. 
The time you spend with your loved ones, your family and your bestest of friends.
The time of the year you gift them things you know they'll love. But with some people, you're never sure. That's why I'm here with some guidelines for your winter/christmas obsessed friend/significant other.

Končno je tisti čas v letu. Najbolj vesel čas. Veseli december!
Čas, ki ga preživljaš z ljubljenimi, družino in svojimi najboljšimi prijatelji.
Čas, ko svoje najljubše obdariš s stvarmi, ki veš da jih imajo radi. Včasih se znajde tista oseba, za katero nimaš pojma, kaj bi ji kupil. Zato sem tu jaz s parimi smernicami za tvojo osebo, ki je obsedena z vsem božičnim.

BEANIES FLAVOUR COFFEE - Christmas pudding coffee

H&M - earrings

KIK - blanket and a throw pillow

KIK - mason jar

KIK - a big cute mug with snowflakes

HOFER - ''advent calendar'' chocolate

Friday, October 28, 2016



This is the weird in between month. The month of wondering how october passed in a second, a month impatient waiting for christmas and the joy it brings us.
I will be listening to christmas songs, planning my decorating and making ''to buy for christmas'' lists. 

What will you be doing?

November je tisti čuden vmesni mesec. Mesec, ko se sprašujemo kako je lahko oktober minil tako hitro, tisti mesec, ko neučakano pričakujemo božič in veselje okoli le-tega. 
Jaz bom ta mesec poslušala božične pesmi, planirala, kako bom dekorirala sobo in delala sezname za nakup božičnih daril. 
Kaj pa boš počela ti?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016



I've been putting off making vegan pizza for such a long time, you can't even imagine. 
But two weeks ago, they started selling Gary (because apparently vegan cheese shouldn't be called cheese) from Violife in our country. I was so happy I bought every flavour that was still left, and they had one specifically for pizza. I think that was my cue to finally make a pizza. So I did. 
I had some leftover basil and spinach from the garden, so I decided what better use of them than on a pizza. I decided not to use ketchup because I wanted the pizza to be as natural as can be.

Nimaš pojma koliko dolgo sem odlašala s peko veganske pice. 
Ampak to se je vse spremenilo ko so v Hoferju začeli prodajati Garyja (ker očitno veganskega sira ne smemo več klicati ''sir'') od Violife-a. Bila sem presrečna. Tako srečna, da sem kupila čisto vsak okus, našla pa sem tudi sir posebej narejen za pico. To sem vzela kot znak, da je končno čas, da naredim svojo vegansko pico. 
Imela sem še nekaj bazilike in špinače z vrta in kako naj boljše to porabim, kot pa na pici. Nisem hotela uporabljati kečapa, saj sem želela da je pica čim bolj naravna. 


  • 1 tbsp seeds /žlica semen
  • 500g flour /500g moke
  • 1 tsp salt /žlička soli
  • warm water /voda
  • yeast /kvas


  • tomatoes /paradižnik
  • Violife cheese for a pizza /violife sir za pico
  • spinach /špinača
  • basil /bazilika

I think any more words would be redundant in a simple recipe like this, so I will just tell you, the pizza was awesome! 

I baked it on 220°C for 20-25 minutes. 

Zdi se mi, da so vse besede odveč, ko pride do preprostega recepta kot je ta, tako da ti rečem le to : pica je bila božanska! 
Pekla sem jo na 220°C 20-25 minut.

I would definitely recommend this vegan cheese to people who are trying to supplement dairy but are too afraid to try a non dairy cheese. My father ate this and loved it! 

Sir definitivno priporočam vsem, ki bi se radi odvadili mlečnih izdelkov, pa nočejo poskusiti veganskega sira, ker mislijo da ne bo dober. Moj oče je jedel to pico in jo oboževal!

Thursday, September 29, 2016



It's here. Fall. October. Halloween. Leaves. Crisp air. Chilly mornings. Sunny warm days. Hazelnuts, chestnuts, coffee, tea, pumpkins.. Ahh, I love fall. 
I made this simple calendar for October, and I actually wrote ''OCTOBER'' myself and scanned it. I hope you enjoy it. You can also colour it in if it seems too dull. Let autumn inspire you!

Tu je. Jesen. Oktober. Noč čarovnic. Listje. Svež mrzel jesenski zrak. Hladna jutra. Topli sončni snevi. Lešniki, kostanj, kava, čaj, buče... Oh, obožujem jesen.
Ponovno sem naredila preprosti koledarček za oktober. Besedo oktober sem v bistvu napisala sama in jo skenirala v dokument. Upam, da ti bo koledarček všeč. Lahko ga tudi pobarvaš v jesenske barve, če ti je preveč preprosto. Naj te jesen navdihne!