the month before September, which means we're one month closer to october. I can't believe the time is flying by so fast.. I feel like new year's was just yesterday and now it's already August.. So much has happened in my life already, so many changes, so many friendships, so much learned.. It's been good so far, despite some setbacks. I hope you're savouring in the last month before going to school (if you are in school, ofc)..
Anyways, I couldn't be happier summer's coming to an end. :)
mesec pred septembrom, kar pomeni, da smo en mesec bližje oktobru. Ne morem verjeti kako čas beži, kljub temu kakšen kliše je to, je res. Zdi se mi, kot smo včeraj silvestrovali, pa smo že kar avgusta.. Toliko stvari se je zgodilo v mojem življenju, veliko sprememb, prijateljstev, toliko sem se že naučila.. Kljub spodrsljajem na poti, je bilo leto do sedaj karseda dobro do mene :)
Upam, da uživaš še zadnje izdihljaje poletnih mesecev, preden greš nazaj v šolo (če seveda greš..)
Drugače pa, komaj čakam konec poletja :)