It's here. Fall. October. Halloween. Leaves. Crisp air. Chilly mornings. Sunny warm days. Hazelnuts, chestnuts, coffee, tea, pumpkins.. Ahh, I love fall.
I made this simple calendar for October, and I actually wrote ''OCTOBER'' myself and scanned it. I hope you enjoy it. You can also colour it in if it seems too dull. Let autumn inspire you!
Tu je. Jesen. Oktober. Noč čarovnic. Listje. Svež mrzel jesenski zrak. Hladna jutra. Topli sončni snevi. Lešniki, kostanj, kava, čaj, buče... Oh, obožujem jesen.
Ponovno sem naredila preprosti koledarček za oktober. Besedo oktober sem v bistvu napisala sama in jo skenirala v dokument. Upam, da ti bo koledarček všeč. Lahko ga tudi pobarvaš v jesenske barve, če ti je preveč preprosto. Naj te jesen navdihne!