Sunday, March 15, 2015


Quick and easy vegan breakfast

To be completely honest with you, there was a time I actually didn't like sweet stuff for breakfast.
This recipe came to be at that time.
Če sem popolnoma iskrena, dolgo časa nisem marala sladkih stvari za zajtrk. Takrat je nastal tudi tale recept.
You are going to be needing:Potrebovala boš:
  • 1 cup vegan yogurt (Valsoia)  (1 šalica veganskega jogurta - Valsoia ima najboljše)
  • 2 tbsp raw oats (2 žlici ovsenih kosmičev)
  • 1 teaspoon cinammon (1 mala žlička cimeta)
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (1 žlička chia semen)
  • 1 tbsp agave syrup (1 žlica agavinega sirupa)
  • 2 sliced bananas (2 narezani banani)
Just put a cup of yogurt in a little bowl and top it off with all the ingredients.Jogurt v posodici zmešaj z ovsenimi kosmiči, dodaj cimet, chia semena, agavin sirup in banane. Dober tek! 

Pssst, you can make a smoothie out of it!Psst! Iz tega lahko pripraviš tudi smuti!

If it feels a little bit plain and hard for you to enjoy it, you can just put all of it in a blender and add almond milk to it and make it as a smoothie.

Če je zajrtk prepust za tvoj okus in ti ni všeč, lahko vse skupaj daš v blender, dodaš malo veganskega mleka, zblendaš, in imaš smuti. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015



If you are looking for a healthy vegan recipe for your breakfast, you're in the right place!
This is a breakfast I make almost every day and I swear by it. It is great if you have digestive issues, because it helps you debloat, and of course, it is great for your health.

Če si v iskanju recepta za zdrav veganski zajtrk, si prišla na pravo mesto.
Ta zajtrk jem skoraj vsak dan in prisegam nanj. Je super, če imaš probleme s prebavo oziroma presnovo, ker ti pomaga proti napihnjenosti. Vsi pa vemo, da je veganstvo super za tvoje zdravje.

You will be needing:
Potrebovala boš:

Za puding:
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds (polovico šalice chia semen) 
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut/any vegan milk (1 šalico kokosovega/kateregakoli veganskega mleka)
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (1 veliko žlico grenkega kakava v prahu)
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon- optional (po želji lahko dodaš veliko žlico cimeta)
Če želiš dodatke:
  • 1/3 apple, diced (1/3 jabolka, ki si ga izrezala na kocke)
  • 1 tbsp agave syrup (1 velika žlica agavinega sirupa)

How to do it:

This is super quick and super simple, just pour your milk and chia seeds into a little pot and start cooking it. Stir it throughout!! Add cinnamon and cocoa powder, 
I cook it on high heat to speed up the process. The chia seeds are going to soak in the milk and you must cook it until you get a pudding-y consistency.

Priprava je preposta in hitra. V posodici pogrej mleko in dodaj chia semena, vendar stoj zraven in mešaj. Dodaj cimet in kakav v prahu. Jaz kuham na močnem ognju, da se čim hitreje pripravi. Kuhaj, dokler se ne naredi pudingasta konsistenca.  

Once that's done, you just pour the pudding into a cup and top it off with diced apples and a tbsp of agave syrup. 

Ko se vse skupaj skuha, daj puding v malo posodico in dodaj jabolka posuta z agavinim sirupom.

Monday, March 2, 2015


LUSH - Good Karma

I have recently been trying out some stuff from LUSH and I have really been loving the Karma Kream and the Karma soap.

Pred kratkim sem začela uporabljati nekaj stvari iz trgovine LUSH in postala obsedena s kremo ''Karma Kream'' in milom, ki pride v paketku s kremo ''Karma Soap''.

The products were packed as a gift package, which I got for my birthday. It has a sweet smell and it's so nice! It leaves the skin soft and silky. 10/10 recommend! 

Produkta sta bila zapakirana kot paket, ki sem ga prejela za rojstni dan. Diši po sladkem in tako lepo! Moja koža je zelo mehka in svilnata, definitivno priporočam nakup!

If you do not know LUSH, they are a company that makes natural cosmetics, bath bombs, etc. All the products are handmade and every single ''gift package'' has a sticker on it that says who it was hand-wrapped by. Every product has a tag, on which it says what the product is made of and so on. They do not test on animals and the products are vegan!

Če še ne poznaš LUSHa, je to podjetje, ki izdeluje naravno kozmetiko, bombe za kopeli in še in še. Vsi produkti so ročno narejeni in vsak paketek ima nalepko, na kateri piše, kdo ti je paketek pripravil. Na vsakem izdelku piše, iz česa je narejeno. Vse je naravno. LUSH ne testira na živalih in večina izdelkov je veganskih! Pri nas trgovino najdete v stari Ljubljani. Osebje je zelo prijazno in zelo radi pomagajo.

Here are the direct links to the products :
Link do produktov :  

the little tag with ingredients information