Sunday, May 10, 2015


I'm sure many (or most) of us have tried a diet and failed because of our love for salty crispy tasty little fatty things. Or you're trying to go vegan and all you're hearing about is how much sugar/fruit you vegans consume. No matter what I eat, I will always crave something salty and crispy. I'm more salty than sweets person, really.
So I've decided to share my secret with you and introduce you to chickpeas!

Prepričana sem, da se je veliko/večina nas probalo držati diete, ki so na koncu propadle zaradi naše ljubezni do slanih hrustljavih mastnih užitnih stvari. Ali pa želiš postati vegan in si obdana z informacijami, koliko sladkorja/sadja vegani pojejo. Ne glede na to kaj jem, bom vedno imela željo po nečem hrustljavem in slanem. Res sem oseba, ki ima rajši slano kot sladko.
Za take, kot sem jaz, sem se odločila, da vam predstavim čičeriko!

Chickpeas or ''garbanzo beans'' are legumes that I hated as a kid, but recently started loving them again.
You can prepare them in a salad, cook them as a side dish, mash them and serve them instead of mashed potatoes, use them instead of corn starch for a soup by blending it.. There are just so many ways to prepare a one simple legume.
They are really high in protein, and most important, in fiber, which means they help you digest, they fill you up and not leave you in a food coma.

Čičerike so stročnica, ki sem jih sovražila kot otrok, ker smo jih v osnovni šoli dobivali v solati. Pred kratkim pa sem jih vzljubila.
Lahko jih naredimo v solati, skuhamo kot prilogo, speštamo in jih postrežemo namesto pire krompirja, lahko jih uporabimo tudi namesto šrkoba v juhah/omakah, ko jih zblendamo vmes.. 
Obstaja 101 način priprave ene tako preproste stročnice. Vsebujejo veliko beljakovin, kar pa je bolj pomembno je to, da vsebujejo ogromno vlaknin, kar pomeni da dobro vplivajo na počutje in prebavo. Napolnejo te in te ne pustijo v komi od hrane, kot bi te drugi nezdravi prigrizki.

So this is really really simple. I will not be adding measurements because you can pretty much eye everything and it's really how a person prefers it.

Recept je zelo preprost. Nisem dodala nobenih podatkov o merah, saj lahko vse dodaš ''od oka'', začinjenost pa je preferenca vsakega posameznika.

You will need:
Potrebovala boš:

  • boiled chickpeas (skuhana čičerika)
  • olive oil/coconut oil or vegan butter (olivno/kokosovo olje ali pa vegansko maslo/margarina)
  • seasoning of your choice (začimbe po tvojem okusu) 

Just be sure you have dried your chickpeas really good. And if you bought them canned, really rinse them good and dry them completely.
Pazi, da si dobro osušila čičeriko. Če si kupila čičeriko v konzervi, jo speri in posuši. 

Tip for drying them : 
Put a paper towel on a pan and spread chickpeas on it. Then take another paper towel and stroke the chickpeas lightly. Or just dab the paper towels on them.
Napotek kako jo posušiti:
Vzami papirnato brisačko in jo položi na pekač, nato pa posuj gor čičeriko. Nato vzami papirnato brisačko, s kateri boš ''zbrisala'' čičeriko.

So here's how I prepare them : 
I spead the chickpeas on aluminum foil (so I don't have to do the dishes, hehe) , add little pieces of coconut butter all over them, and then just add cayenne pepper and some garlic powder and that's it.

Pripava : 
Čičeriko posujem na pekač, obložen z alu folijo (da ne rabim potem pomiti pekača, hehe), dodam koščke kokosovega masla po pekaču, nato pa posujem kajenski poper in česen v prahu.

And that is pretty much it. You just put it in a preheated oven at 400F (200 in Celsius) for 30mins.
They should be golden once you put them out.
They are super delicious and super crunchy!

To je v bistvu to. Prej segrejem pečico na 200°C in jih pečem 30 min.Čičerika naj bi bila zlate barve, ko jo vzameš ven.
Obožujem  jih kot prigrizek, ker je tako lepo hrustljav in okusen.

You can store them for later for a snack in a little jar/mason jar. I also made a little ettiquete to put it on the mason jar. 
Here it is 

Ko so že hladne, jih lahko daš v kozarec/mason jar, in jih imaš za kasneje. Naredila sem tudi malo etiketo, kjer piše gor, da je to popečena čičerika. Sliko sem shranila, da si boš morda tudi sam nalepila to: